Sponsorship Opportunities
The Wagons Ho Ho Ho Build Day is a unique charity event that is a lot of fun for individuals, families and groups. Building dozens of red wagons is a one-of-a-kind experience that bonds teammates and the community at large ... and creates long-lasting memories. But we need you to help us grow!
$10,000 - Wagon Master
Logo prominently displayed on all event signage, eNewsletters, all printed material and on our website.
Mentions during all media appearances including radio, television, newspapers & magazines.
Verbal recognition on build day.
You will receive an assembled red wagon.
$5,000 - Wagon Driver
Logo prominently displayed on all event signage, eNewsletters, all printed material and on our website.
Verbal recognition on build day.
You will receive an assembled red wagon.
$2,500 - Trailblazer
Logo displayed on all event signage, eNewsletters, all printed material and on our website.
Verbal recognition on build day.
$1,000 - Wagoneer
Logo displayed on all printed material and on our website.
Verbal recognition on build day.
$500 - Settler
Logo displayed on our website.
Verbal recognition on build day.